Score Correlations
The table below shows the section(s) of the SAT Suite of Assessments that were used to predict performance, and the correlation between SAT Suite performance and AP performance for each AP Exam. A correlation measures the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables, in this case, SAT Suite scores and AP Exam scores. Correlation values range from -1 to +1 with absolute values of approximately 0.1 considered to represent a small relationship, absolute values of approximately 0.3 considered to represent a moderate relationship, and absolute values of 0.5 or higher considered to represent a strong relationship. A positive correlation, like those seen between SAT Suite scores and AP Exam scores, indicates SAT Suite scores are useful for identifying students who are likely to do well in AP courses and exams.
AP Exam | Section Used | Correlation |
Art History |
.521 |
Biology |
Total Score |
.752 |
Calculus AB |
Math |
.558 |
Chemistry |
Total Score |
.655 |
Computer Science A |
Total Score |
.603 |
Computer Science Principles |
Total Score |
.654 |
English Language |
.739 |
English Literature |
.728 |
Environmental Science |
Total Score |
.706 |
European History |
Total Score |
.630 |
Government & Politics: |
Total Score |
.589 |
Government & Politics: |
Total Score |
.647 |
Human Geography |
Total Score |
.623 |
Macroeconomics |
Total Score |
.624 |
Microeconomics |
Total Score |
.632 |
Music Theory |
Total Score |
.542 |
Physics 1 |
Total Score |
.647 |
Physics C: Elec. & Mag. |
Total Score |
.474 |
Physics C: Mechanics |
Total Score |
.586 |
Psychology |
Total Score |
.636 |
Seminar |
Total Score |
.531 |
Statistics |
Total Score |
.697 |
U.S. History |
Total Score |
.675 |
World History: Modern |
Total Score |
.676 |